Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Ishika Malik Low Buget Model Services

 This was a lazy Saturday afternoon when I decided to kill a few hefty bucks and visit a popular Spa, to get some over-hyped rejuvenation! After all, we have to experience a  Models In Mount Abu at least once in a lifetime, to be able to boast in the kitty parties or a drink session with friends, right?

During sex, women like to stay in bed with their partner for a long time.
    That is why if a man feels that now he is going to ejaculate.
    Then he should take out the penis from the woman's vagina.
    And foreplay should be done so that the excitement and thrill of sex can be maintained.
    After that stop and move again by putting the penis in the vagina.
    Then when it seems that now both are getting tired then one should One Night enjoy extreme happiness.

These 10 hilarious stories made my day 😛

Story – 1

“You see, we get all kinds of clients, some behave, some misbehave, some come with all different kinds of expectations, and some are really nice and mannered. ” She started.

“There is a particular yoga pose in which a person’s knees, chest and chin make contact with the surface, but not their abdomen. One of our regular clients actually holds this pose throughout a treatment. Many a times, our therapists have asked him to relax so that they can massage him. He might for a few minutes, but then promptly returns to the pose.” 

Story – 2

“There is an elderly gentleman who comes in regularly for a scrub and massage. He asks for extra disposable underwear and even takes it home.”

Well, really?  Is that a facility too? This can save me a lot of bucks!

Story – 3

“Some clients have very poor personal hygiene. Body odor is a common problem. A press person who had come to write about the spa had such a dirty scalp that the white pillow had turned dark brown by the end of the session.”

Yuccckkkk!! That was!

Story – 4

 “We had a regular client who would come in for a 60-minute session. No therapist wanted to tend to him a second time, so I asked a senior therapist what the matter was. She said he only wanted the area around his nipples massaged. We normally blacklist clients who misbehave, but he’s a well-known person, so it’s not that easy.”  -

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